Workouts Tips

This 4-Week Plan Is Designed to Help You Shed Pounds Simply by Walking and Lifting Weights

Walking can help you lose weight, but if you want results, it’s important that you pair it with strength training. Enter this walking and weightlifting plan from Bonnie Micheli, an ACE-certified personal trainer and cofounder of Shred415 — it’s designed to help you build lean muscle and burn more calories, the recipe for weight-loss success. To achieve that, you’ll focus on getting more steps in six days a week, and add strength training on four of those days.

If you’re already concerned about squeezing it all in, don’t stress. “You don’t need to complete all of your steps at one time,” Bonnie told POPSUGAR. “Every step counts. Even if you only have 10 or 20 minutes at a time to walk, it counts!” Plus, the strength-training sessions are only 10 minutes long. As you start to build more muscle — during the four-week plan or after — you can try repeating each set two to three times for an added burn, but by that point, you’ll feel more settled in a routine.

Here’s what you’ll need to get started: a fitness tracker, an ankle resistance band, a kettlebell, and a set of dumbbells. “If you’re just starting out, try five- to seven-pound weights,” Bonnie said. “If you’re looking for a challenge, grab 10 to 15 pounds.” Keep reading for the full plan!

Week 1

Image Source: Getty / GoodLifeStudio


Aim for 10,000 steps four days this week, and challenge yourself to record 12,000 twice more. On the days you walk 10,000, add in the strength workout below.

Strength Training

Each move in this set is timed, so make it your goal to get in as many reps as possible before the clock stops. Don’t forget to warm up with some dynamic stretches and cool down with some static stretches when you’re finished.

  • Dumbbell squat press: 1 minute
  • Bicep curl: 1 minute
  • Alternating forward lunge with hammer curl: 1 minute
  • Upright row to front raise: 1 minute
  • Side plank: 30 seconds on each side
  • Triceps kick-backs: 30 seconds with both arms and 30 seconds with alternating arms
  • Bicycle crunches: 1 minute
  • Plank hold: 1 minute
  • Side lunges: 30 seconds on each leg
  • Push-ups: 30 seconds
  • Plank jacks: 30 seconds

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Week 2

Image Source: Getty / Hiraman


Again, aim for 10,000 steps four days this week, and challenge yourself to record 12,000 twice more. If you found that difficult the first week, “feel free to modify the program by decreasing your steps to an attainable goal, but keep it challenging enough to feel and see results,” Bonnie said. On the four days you walk fewer steps, add in the strength workout below.

Strength Training

Each move in this set is timed, so make it your goal to get in as many reps as possible before the clock stops. Don’t forget to warm up with some dynamic stretches and cool down with some static stretches when you’re finished.

  • Glute bridge: 1 minute
  • Sit-up with an overhead press (performed once you’re sitting upright): 1 minute
  • Renegade row (on knees or toes): 1 minute
  • Deadlift: 1 minute
  • Upright row to bicep curl: 1 minute
  • Alternating standing oblique crunches: 1 minute
  • Alternating curtsy lunges: 1 minute
  • Chest press: 1 minute
  • Burpees: 1 minute
  • Flutter kicks: 30 seconds
  • Mountain climbers: 30 seconds

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Week 3

Image Source: Getty / Hiraman


Continue to aim for 10,000 steps four days this week, and 12,000 steps two days, adjusting the counts if necessary, based on your goals and fitness level. On the four days you walk fewer steps, add in the strength workout below.

Strength Training

Each move in this set is timed, so make it your goal to get in as many reps as possible before the clock stops. Don’t forget to warm up with some dynamic stretches and cool down with some static stretches when you’re finished.

  • Bird-dog: 30 seconds on each side
  • Rainbow press: 30 seconds on each leg
  • Squat to a bicep curl: 1 minute
  • Bent-over reverse fly with triceps kickbacks: 1 minute
  • Sumo squat (holding both weights or one at your chest): 1 minute
  • Kettlebell swings: 1 minute
  • In and out bicep curls (perform a standard bicep curl, and then rotate arms slightly out to the side, keeping elbows close to the body): 1 minute
  • Reverse fly with bicycle legs (lay on a weight bench on your back): 1 minute
  • Skull crushers: 1 minute
  • Alternating side skaters with air punches: 1 minute

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Week 4

Image Source: Getty / svetikd


Continue to aim for 10,000 steps four days this week, and 12,000 steps two days, adjusting the counts if necessary, based on your goals and fitness level. On the four days you walk fewer steps, add in the strength workout below.

Strength Training

Each move in this set is timed, so make it your goal to get in as many reps as possible before the clock stops. You’ll want to use an ankle resistance band for a few of the moves this week. Place it above your knees. Don’t forget to warm up with some dynamic stretches and cool down with some static stretches when you’re finished.

  • Clamshells: 30 seconds on each side, using an ankle band
  • Fire hydrants: 30 seconds on each side, using an ankle band
  • Glute bridge: 30 seconds
  • Push-ups: 30 seconds
  • Plank with alternating shoulder taps: 30 seconds
  • Squats: 1 minute, with an ankle band and weights at your side
  • Reverse lunge with shoulder press: 30 seconds for each leg
  • Dumbbell front-arm raise to side raise: 30 seconds
  • Triceps push-up: 30 seconds
  • Lateral banded walks: 1 minute (take a minimum of 10 to 15 steps in each direction)
  • Squat jumps: 1 minute

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