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Damilola Dropped More Than 100 Pounds by Pairing a Low-Carb Diet With This Popular Plan

Sometimes it takes more than one traditional diet to really keep your weight loss going. Just ask 26-year-old Texan Damilola Soyebo. In three years, she’s lost about 130 pounds by combining a low-carb diet with intermittent fasting. On top of that, she also exercises pretty regularly and documents her meal inspiration and progress on Instagram. She relies heavily on her go-to low-carb foods: eggs, cheese, bacon, chicken, spinach, broccoli, and pecans. “I can make so many meals out of this combination. I love things that are quick and easy,” she told POPSUGAR.

And while she’s kicking ass on her weight-loss journey, she said she has about 30 more pounds she wants to lose for a very important reason. You can find out what it is, as well as more on her weight loss, when you keep reading.

Damilola’s Journey Begins

Image Source: Damilola Soyebo

Damilola hit a turning point when she reached 360 pounds and had an embarrassing situation while traveling. She was headed out of the country for a family vacation when she found herself struggling to buckle her seat belt on the plane. A flight attendant loudly told her she’d need an extender. “I instantly wanted to disappear. I felt so many eyes looking at me, and I just wanted the plane to take off already. I knew I had to make a change, but I honestly could not remember the last time I had stepped on the scale. I enjoyed my vacation, but started to make a change when I returned home,” she told POPSUGAR.

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What Damilola Eats

Image Source: Damilola Soyebo

In combination with a low-carb diet, Damilola also usually intermittent fasts, narrowing the window in which she eats during the day. She said it doesn’t leave her much time for snacking, and she prefers it that way. Her go-to breakfast (or first meal of the day) is scrambled eggs with spinach, tomatoes, and cheese with a couple slices of bacon for extra protein.

“I get really creative with my food, so that I don’t get bored or tempted to cheat. I occasionally make sweets from almond or coconut flour, so I can still indulge in a treat while maintaining my low-carb lifestyle,” she told POPSUGAR.

She’s also a big fan of spiralizing! She said she loves spiralized zucchini in place of traditional pasta with some ground turkey and marinara sauce.

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How Damilola Works Out

Image Source: Damilola Soyebo

Damilola quickly realized when she started working out that she really loved group fitness. She said she loves a boot camp so she doesn’t feel like she’s going it alone. Her other favorite is a rigorous at-home workout!

“When I moved back home after [college] graduation, I went to as many fitness classes that my gym offered that fit in my work schedule. When I couldn’t fit it in my schedule, I did home workouts in my living room with my mom,” she said. She swears by Keaira LaShae’s hip-hop tabata workouts, which she found right here on POPSUGAR.

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Damilola’s Advice

Image Source: Damilola Soyebo

Her advice is something we hear time and time again but can still be so hard to absorb: “Don’t give up!”

“Everyone’s body reacts differently to different diets. Do what works for you! Maybe cutting out carbs doesn’t work with your lifestyle. That’s totally fine! Find something that does work and do it. Instead of making excuses, make a change. And don’t expect anything to happen overnight,” she told POPSUGAR, and we honestly couldn’t agree more.

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How Damilola Stays Motivated

Image Source: Damilola Soyebo

Damilola has a great motivator pushing her toward her weight-loss goals: her wedding! “Right now my biggest motivation is looking good for my wedding. I would like to drop about 30 more pounds before my wedding in September,” she told POPSUGAR.

She has also remained motivated by the noticeable change in her appearance. She said her friends and family noticed the difference before she did, which kept her going. She’s also loved being able to replace her wardrobe with clothes not from the plus-size section, which she counts as a huge victory for herself.

“Although I do teeter in the 1X sizes depending on the brands, it feels good to have options!” she said.

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