Celebrity Fitness

Madelaine Petsch Shared Her Workout Routine on YouTube, and I’m Exhausted Just Watching It

Madelaine Petsch just shared her daily workout routine on YouTube, and it has us sweating for more reasons than one. During the 19-minute video, the Riverdale actress crushes a series of exercises with her (very easy on the eyes) trainer, Stephen Pasterino, who created the low-impact, high-intensity fitness method known as P.volve.

The moves are far more intense than anything Cheryl Blossom would ever do, working not only the star’s legs and booty but also her abs and arms. Although Madelaine uses a few pieces of P.volve equipment during the workout, she noted that the whole sequence can technically be done without them, which is ideal for all you fans of equipment-free, at-home workouts. If you’re looking for a new set of exercises to bring a bit of variation to your weekly workouts, watch Madelaine’s exhausting routine ahead, or keep reading for a step-by-step breakdown of every single move.

First comes the warmup, of course. Get into a squat position, which Stephen calls “P.stance.”

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Step backward and forward with one foot while engaging your booty. Do this move eight times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Do the same step-back move, but this time, reach your arms up and back to really stretch out your abdomen. Repeat the last two exercises with the other leg now.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Next up, do side steps with one leg to sit into a wide P.stance, making sure to really sit back while doing so.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Then do a side lunge and incorporate a reach with your arms.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Start in a squat position, cross one leg over the other, and reach up and back diagonally. Once you’ve done this eight times, repeat the last three moves for the opposite leg to work both equally.


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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Put on some ankle bands if you have them. Step one leg out and put your foot at an angle before bringing it back in and squeezing your glutes in a squat.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Slowly bring one foot forward and out in front of you before bringing it back down to the side.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

On your eighth rep, pulse your lifted leg up and down eight times. Then, repeat the last two exercises for the other leg.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Next up, start in a squat position, and lift one leg and hip out to the side eight times. On your last rep, pulse that leg up and down eight more times. Repeat this for the other leg as well.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Starting in a squat, bring one leg back into a hamstring stretch position, then back forward again.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

On your last rep, stay in that lunge position and lean over your front leg. Then reach up over your head while leaning back. Repeat this eight times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Bring your back leg from the 6 o’clock lunge position to an angle, keeping your standing leg planted the whole time. Do the previous three moves again for the other leg.


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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Swap the ankle straps for gliders (or a dish towel or socks, if you don’t have gliders). Slide one leg out to the side and back in, keeping it straight the whole time, engaging your inner thigh, and keeping your chest up.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Do the same move again, but this time, incorporate a torso rotation, making sure your outer leg is straight.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

With your torso rotated and standing knee slightly bent, stretch your other leg out and bring it back in, bending your knee this time. Then, repeat the last three moves for your other leg.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Start in a push-up position and step both feet in, one at a time, then back out, one at a time. Repeat eight times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Again starting in a push-up position, step one foot up toward your hands . . .

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

. . . then get into a standing position while bringing your opposite foot up and out in front of you. Do this eight times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

With one leg hovering in front, stretch your arms over your head and engage your core to lift up your leg eight times. Do the last three moves all over again to work the opposite leg.


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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Get your glider again, and place it under one foot. Slide out into a side lunge, and bring your opposite arm to the standing leg’s foot. Do this eight times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

With your same foot on the glider, reach it back to a 6 o’clock position while reaching both arms out in front of you. Bring that foot forward again, and shoot it back seven more times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

With your leg still straight back in the 6 o’clock position, use your inner thigh to help squeeze it inward and back out. Then — you guessed it! — repeat the previous three exercises for the other leg.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Put those ankle bands back on, get into a squat position, and step out and in with alternating legs while keeping your butt back.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Slightly jump with both legs out and then back in, all while maintaining a squat.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

With the bands still around your ankles, get into a wide squat position and jump your entire body left and then back to starting position. Do this eight times.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Turn the foot of your standing leg inward, and bring your other leg out and back in, bending it halfway and keeping your booty back the entire time. Repeat the last round of moves for the other leg.


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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Upper body is next! With one foot on a slant board, grab some resistance bands by the handles, and use them to pull up onto your standing leg while reaching your other knee forward and back.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

With one foot still situated on the slant board and holding onto the resistance bands, lean forward and pull your arms down one at a time.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Put both legs on the slant board, then reach one back into a lunge while simultaneously pushing both arms forward. Repeat the last three moves again to work the other side of your body.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Now for some abs. Start in a wide squat stance, lift one leg out into a side squat, and use your oblique muscles to pull the band across your body, keeping your arms straight.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Get down on your hands and knees, and shift your body back a bit. Bring one leg out diagonally, and lift it up and down while engaging your core.

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Finally — time to stretch it out!

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Image Source: YouTube user Madelaine Petsch

Phew, is anyone else feeling exhausted?


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