Healthy Recipes

Experience the delicious taste of the keto diet right at your doorstep

With the recent breaking news that a teenager in the UK has been the first reported case of going both death and blind due to a junk food diet, healthy eating is firmly back on the news agenda. Although for many people healthy eating has become a no-brainer, a choice facilitated by increasing education and healthy convenience foods, it is apparent that this does not tell the whole story. The aforementioned case may be an extreme, but some of the most common diseases are the consequence of poor eating habits, often the result of lack of nutritional education.

It is the clarity of this education, rather than its availability, which is surely to blame. The swamp of online material guiding one through the seemingly murky waters of exclusionary diets or intermittent fasting, with ever more complex recipes demanding niche and specific ingredients, can turn the stomach of even those with the best intentions. This is a shame, as health focused diets do not have to be time consuming complications, and some – such as the keto diet – are surprisingly simple. With the blossoming of diet food delivery services, the nitty gritty of diet planning doesn’t have to be hands on at all.

Meat and poultry are considered staple foods on a ketogenic diet

What is the keto diet?

The much talked about ketogenic diet, or keto diet for short, is a high-fat, low-carb diet which has proven effective in helping the body to burn fats. Its aim is to put your body into a metabolic state called ketosis. Under normal conditions, our bodies use tasty carbohydrates for energy. This means we use these, rather than our fat reserves, to power our activities. It is by restricting carbs that we can unlock the door to those fat stores, and convert them fuel instead – breaking them down and creating molecules called ketones. The way in which the ketogenic diet works means that you may be in with a better chance of shifting existing fat reserves. Although it may seem a bit counter-intuitive, the low-carb, high-fat keto diet has helped people to lose body fat and reach a healthy weight quicker than with other diets. There are many adaptations of the keto diet, allowing it to be adopted cyclically, or targeted to fit around your workout schedule.

Making a keto diet work for you

Convenience was the fuel of the fast food industry. Now, the days of busy lives dictating a lunchtime chain store burger, or a takeaway for supper, are over. From snacks such as Nakd bars replacing chocolate for many, to McDonalds adding apple slices to their Happy Meals, healthy food is fast food. However, most of this is not what you would call luxurious. It may be perfect for a health-conscious student, or last minuet kids packed lunch, but if you are craving an indulgent meal whilst still adhering to your diet, you perhaps feel there are slim pickings.

Fish and shellfish are very keto-friendly foods

This is where making the keto diet work for you comes in. By selecting one of the best keto prepared meal delivery services, you can stick to your chosen diet with the ease of fast food, the luxury of restaurant quality, and peace of mind that you’re properly following your diet. The keto diet is notoriously strict, and such a limited carbohydrate intake for many is impossible to sustain. Prepared meals take one of the biggest obstacles out of your hands, helping you stick to your diet. They also offer a great deal of healthy choices for the long term if you choose take the spirit, rather than the letter, of the keto diet. Such a general lower carb diet could prove a more sustainable and healthy option, to avoid counterproductive weight fluctuations and adverse health effects. Flexibility in choice is certainly a benefit of healthy meal delivery services.

Why get a keto diet delivery service?

From assisting with weight loss to decreasing triglycerides and reducing blood sugar, the health benefits of the keto diet are wide reaching. Some studies suggest such a diet may help lower your risk of heart disease, reduce blood pressure and improve certain brain disorders (it was originally designed for epilepsy!). When you are too busy at work or home to cook yourself, a meal delivery service can be your best bet not to break your healthy diet regimen. In brief, some of the many benefits of subscribing to a keto delivery service include:

Keto-friendly avocados are high in several vitamins and minerals, including potassium, an important mineral many people may not get enough of


You don’t have to leave your home or office, you can order your healthy meal right from the comfort of your desk or chair… even on the go! It saves you the time of carefully planning around an unfamiliar diet, and cooking complicated dishes to provide the nutrients you need.

Helps meet your nutritional needs

One of the biggest challenges many people deal with on a regular basis is the lack of access to ready meals that meet their nutritional requirements. With a keto delivery service, however, this could be a thing of the past – it’s their job to provide dishes that abide to your diet’s rules.

It’s luxurious

Having an extremely delicious, yet healthy meal makes you feel like a boss. With a good keto meal delivery service, the meals are prepared by highly qualified and experienced chefs. With expert seasoning, they ensure you get luxurious-tasting meals that would take you months to perfect yourself.

What to look for in a keto delivery service

Even if you are set on trying out a keto diet, choosing delivery service which offers it can be an overwhelming experience. There is certainly no shortage of choice. As such, we have put together some pointers to help you in your decision making. Remember, you’re not just looking for a company that will deliver a low-carb diet with a high fat content – but the one with the most scrumptious meal choices too! From taste, to timing, to affordability; there are a few basic criteria your delivery service should meet.

Keto-friendly eggs are one of the healthiest and most versatile foods on the planet.


A keto diet may not be a stand-alone dietary selection for you, if you have additional requirements. Meal delivery companies vary in their abilities to cater to dietary requirements whilst maintaining a satisfactorily broad menu, so if you have additional dietary needs then make sure to do your research. Some companies specialise in gluten-free meals, whereas others are more into vegan keto diets. Some only deal with organic non-GMO, whereas others will only offer paleo-based diets. It’s best to choose a company that offers meals that are good for you, considering your specific nutritional needs.


Choose a company that provides quality meals and is prompt on their deliveries. Customer service, support, and even packaging are worth taking note of. Check out their reviews, just like you would when online shopping! Before subscribing to a particular delivery service for your keto meals, it’s best to ensure they’re properly licensed and permitted to operate within your local area.

Affordable Prices

Of course, different meals will have different prices. If you are anticipating a luxurious after-work treat, then you may want to entertain higher prices. However, some meal delivery services will provide delicious meals affordably without compromising on quality, so make sure your money is well spent when picking a keto delivery service.

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