Healthy Recipes

4 easy ways to eat more healthily

Healthy eating can be challenging. In a world packed with thousands of diet plans, “food influencers”, clean eating gurus and lifestyle options, starting a healthy eating journey can feel like a daunting undertaking. Which option is the right fit for you and your lifestyle? Where are you going to buy chia seeds? How will you find time to juice wheatgrass every morning? How will you maintain momentum while following a rigid meal plan in a consumer environment bursting with temptations?

Before you panic – slow down! While there are strict diets and plans out there, healthy eating doesn’t have to mean sticking to a rigid new lifestyle. This approach can work for some people, but for the rest of us mere mortals, a crash diet usually only lasts a couple of weeks, then leaves us feeling guilty as we fall for the charms of a fresh croissant or a sneaky bar of chocolate.

Increasingly, in fact, nutrition specialists are advising against launching into diet fads, as any benefits are typically unsustainable. This style of supposedly “healthy” consumption can even lead to disordered eating.

Healthy vegan food lunch, top view. Vegetarian dinner table, people eat healthy food. Salad, sweet potato, vegan cake, vegetables on a white background.

The answer? Small, sustainable changes that you feel comfortable making. These adaptations shouldn’t leave you feeling guilty if you snaffle a pack of pork scratchings every now and again. Instead, they should make small positive differences to your diet which are easy to maintain over the long term. They might even shift your eating habits further in future. To get you started, why not try a few of these easy ways to eat more healthily?

Make some food swaps

Small changes can make a big difference over time. A few simple food swaps could positively impact your health, so rather than overhauling your entire diet, why not consider making a few sensible swaps? These might include switching from full fat milk to semi skimmed or swapping a high sugar breakfast cereal for a low sugar, whole grain option. You might also like to make other swaps, such as switching butter for a low fat spread alternative, or choosing black coffee or herbal tea instead of a creamy latte.

In addition to this, you could supplement your diet with superfoods – a convenient and quick option and a sure-fire way to ensure that your body is getting all the fuel it needs. Check out this review of a super greens supplement that works to support your body and mental health.

Slow down

It can take 20 minutes for the hormones triggered by eating to tell your brain that you are full. Taking your time while you eat can reduce your overall consumption, ensuring you don’t eat more than you need. Focussing on your food instead of being distracted by your smartphone or Netflix series will also help you be more conscious of how your body is responding so you can recognise when you’re full – so turn off your screens! Invest in storage containers, so you can store leftovers instead of feeling guilty about waste!

Peppers – woman cutting red pepper. Closeup of woman cutting red pepper making salad.

Be health aware at work

Workplaces can be a haven for unhealthy eating. From “pizza Wednesdays” to birthday cakes every fortnight, it’s hard to avoid eating unhealthily at work – especially when management use food as a motivator! Consider shaking up your workplace food culture by asking your management to provide healthy alternatives for the whole team. Regular office fruit deliveries, for example, will help staff make healthier choices, which could benefit the business as a whole by reducing sick days and encouraging a healthier work culture.

Drink more water

This is a tip you’ve probably heard a thousand times – but it really does bear repeating. Choosing water instead of other beverages is an incredibly healthy food swap, but it also helps you feel full, ensures you are properly hydrated and can even slightly increase the number of calories you burn each day. Drink up!

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