Healthy Recipes

Centauri Honey: The most coveted honey in the world, sought out by doctors, royals and celebrities alike

Centauri Honey by Ahmet Eren Cakir: The most valuable honey in the world

Would you travel from Tokyo to Istanbul for one kilogram of honey? Believe it or not, that is exactly what one customer of this super exclusive, benefit-boasting nectar does. And they are not alone, for there are many others who do just the same to get their fix of Centauri Honey, the three-year-old brand which has a waiting list of eight months, no website and produces only 30kgs of the sweet stuff each year.

Customers reserve their limited quantities and travel, once they have been informed of its readiness, to Istanbul to collect their precious cargo by hand while receiving instructions on how to consume, there are no express couriers or the like involved here. Keen customers from London to L.A. and Milan to Japan, CEOs, celebrities, politicians and doctors alike believe in the sheer quality of this product, and with prices starting at €3,500 for 1kg of the classic version, you might be asking yourself what is so very special about this particular honey?

What makes it stands out above others is its utter exclusiveness for a start, it is the quality not the quantity that matters, after all. With a production of 30kg for Classic, 10kg for Centauri Cave and around 2kg for the Centauri Proxima Custom Made Honey, you have to get on the waiting list quick to make sure you reserve your lot. With Zen priests in Tokyo and many others naming Centauri Honey as the ‘Nectar of Gods’, it is little wonder that this product is so in demand, especially when consumers feel the positive benefits and spread the word.

Centauri Honey is thought to be the most expensive honey in the world

A meticulous approach

You can be sure that these are no typical circumstances in which this honey is harvested or the surroundings in which bees are kept either. Creator Ahmet Eren Cakir, a 44-year old Turkish citizen, entrepreneur and researcher produces this extraordinary honey high in the hills above the clouds in the Black Sea region of Turkey, at an altitude of 2,500 metres above sea level.

The bee colony (Caucasian honey bees which are resistant to cold weather and high altitude) is kept 50 kilometres away from human residences or any other bee colony to ensure that no contact can be made for the transmission of the varroa mite (varroa destructor). The external parasitic mite attacks and feeds on honey bees and can only reproduce in a honey bee colony, so it is hugely important that these mites are kept at bay. What’s more, unlike other honey breeders, only natural plants are used to deter varroa mites rather than the use of chemicals, whether organic or not, as this can harm the quality of the honey.

Other differences include medicinal endemic herbs being planted for the bees to boost phenol, flavonoid and antioxidant levels, which help to fight various diseases; a late harvest to collect late pollens of autumn around mid-November at high altitude as opposed to other beekeepers at a lower altitude, who finish their harvest by late August; and never feeding bees sugar syrup. A secret formula is also used to increase the quality of the honey, but not even close family know this gem and be sure that Centauri honey receives rigorous testing, with each bottle heading straight for the Turkish Scientific Council for an analysis report before customers receive their long-awaited call.

Customers reserve their limited quantities and travel, once they have been informed of its readiness, to Istanbul to collect their precious cargo by hand

Health benefits

Promising to provide honey that comes with it some major health benefits, we spoke to Ahmet, who discusses the links to cancer, anti-ageing properties and other illnesses. He said: “Since Centauri Honey has the high phenol levels, flavonoid levels, antioxidant levels, which fight diseases and since I use special endemic herbs, Centauri Honey has amazing effects on general health and ageing as well as preventative properties.

“I cannot say that it’s a cure for cancer, but it can strengthen your immune system, especially helpful if facing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I have customers from all across the world who call me to thank me after receiving positive health benefits with some using my honey on their wrinkles and fine lines and putting in their repeat orders straight away.”

Once reserved, all customers have to do is patiently await their call after harvesting and lab testing is complete, and they can collect their minimum 1kg order. Centauri Honey Classic can be purchased at €3,500 for 1kg, Centauri Cave (extracted from a deep cave) is €10,000 per kg and the Centauri Proxima Custom Made Honey (for one lucky customer a year) can be purchased for €25,000 for 2kg, which offers a four-year supply.

Creator Ahmet Eren Cakir, a 44-year old Turkish citizen, entrepreneur and researcher produces this extraordinary honey high in the hills above the clouds in the Black Sea region of Turkey, at an altitude of 2,500 metres above sea level


Instagram: centaurihoneybyahmeterencakir
Facebook: Centauri HONEY by Ahmet E. Cakir
Mobile: (for sms/calls only) +90 530 6513799

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